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Standards of Honesty, Respect for Property


In recent months, we have made a strong statement relative to the academy’s attitude towards honesty and cheating. The following activities are considered to be unacceptable:


  • Lying

  • The lending and copying of homework or assignments

  • Plagiarism

  • Cheating (cribbing) on tests or examinations

  • Stealing of tests, examination, or personal property

  • Breaking or damaging school property


Acts of dishonesty, such as going into an individual’s school bag.


  • These offenses range in their degree of severity and thus punishments will be imposed accordingly. The principal and his staff will be the ultimate authority in determining the action taken against offending students.

  • (We realize we are fighting a trend in which, in some areas, is now considered less seriously . Nevertheless, we are determined to do everything possible to instill a strong and real sense of honor in the hearts and minds of TLAP Sports Academy students.)


Cell Phones, Beepers, Electronic Devices


  • The use of cell phones, i-pods during the school day can be seen, by many, to be a disruptive influence of the daily routine of the school, its students and, teachers. Students are using cell phones and other electronic devices not only to communicate, but to take pictures, which can be considered as an illegal activity. For this reason, students are not permitted to have cell phones/beepers, MP3 player, IPods or any other electronic devices in the classroom, or use them in the building during the school day unless allowed by academy in learning environment. A student who possesses cell phones and/or beepers, MP3 Players, IPods or any other electronic device will be told that these must be turned off and not used during class time or in classrooms during the school day (8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.) for transmission or reception. For emergency situations to call their parents, students may request to use a telephone in main office. Teachers may permit, by exception, i-pods in their classroom.

  • Students who do not adhere to this regulation will have their cell phone, beeper, MP3 Player, IPod or electronic device confiscated for up to 7 days


Student being sent home:


  • Parent being called to deliver appropriate clothing; detention (first offense); suspension/recommendation for expulsion (consequent offenses for insubordination); hats worn in school will be confiscated; students may be given a t-shirt to wear to hide inappropriate clothing.


Cyber Misconduct, Cyber-Bullying


  • Cyber misconduct involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone, and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others. Such acts are considered harassment and criminal acts and will be dealt with accordingly. The Academy community takes cyber misconduct seriously and student taking part in cyber-bullying will be dealt with severely.


Harassment - Physical, Verbal, and/or Cyber Bullying


Harassment, which in some cases may be described as bullying, can be psychological or physical.

 Specific examples include:


  • Unwelcome leering or staring; unwelcome racial slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or degrading descriptions; unwelcome communication including that about an individual’s body, attire, racial origin, or overly personal comments; unwelcome invasion of an individual’s privacy; unwelcome jokes, stories, drawings, pictures, or gestures; the spreading of malicious rumors.




  • Any action, intentional or not, including action of a sexual nature, directed at an individual or group by another individual or group who knows or ought to know that this action is unwanted; any implied or explicit bribe, and/or threat of reprisal; any behavior, verbal or physical, which creates an intimidating or hostile atmosphere; any action, intentional or not, that demeans an individual or group; any perceived threat to or abuse of personal property.


At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students will face the following consequences: a meeting of the student and his or her parents with the Headmasterl or vice-principal. One or more saturday school detentions will be assigned. The offender will be given an assignment.


Further Offences: A meeting of the student and his or her parents with the headmasteror vice-principal; resulting in possible suspension, and/or community work, or recommendation for school expulsion; may include police involvement. Fighting - Violent Behavior


Violent Behavior:


  • students who fight, assault or verbally abuse other … people may be suspended. The length of suspension will depend on the severity of the incident and the degree of involvement of the individual student. The police may be involved.

  • Where the abuse is deemed to constitute an attack by two or more students on another, whether provoked or unprovoked, the police may be involved and the length of suspension will be five school days.

  • Students who, in the absence of mitigating circumstances, assault another person to the extent that serious bodily injury requiring medical intervention ensues, shall be recommended for expulsion and the police will be involved.

  • Where the offence involves any form of sexual harassment, the procedures outlined in the section of this Policy relating to harassment will be applied. The police may be involved and sanctions will be applied according to this policy.

  • Following the incident, the Headmaster… will ensure that a written report is placed in a confidential school file and a confidential copy is sent to the appropriate parent.




  • Insubordination is a willful disregard of directives issued by a staff member (administrator, teacher, aide, secretary, bus driver, care taker, etc.). It is a blatant disrespect towards authority.

  • At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students may face the following consequences: detention(s) and/or community work, with a written apology by the student and signed by the parents. Possible conference with the vice-principal and teacher or any other staff member involved, if necessary, including parents.

  • Further offenses: meeting with the student and Headmaster or vice-principal, parents, resulting in possible suspension, community work, or recommendation for school expulsion.


Skipping Classes, School, Homeroom


At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students may face the following consequences: detention(s) and parent notification. Further offenses: Meeting with the Headmaster or vice-principal resulting in possible suspension and/or community work, or recommendation for expulsion.


Leaving School without Permission


  • A parent/guardian requesting that their child be excused at a time earlier than regular dismissal time must submit a parental note to the Main Office prior to first period. This note must contain the reason for early dismissal as well as the time the child will be leaving. The child must sign out at the Main Office before he or she leaves the building. Since the hours spent in class are most important to the student’s educational success, it is urged that early dismissals be confined to matters of urgency and necessity that cannot be handled outside of school hours.

  • Should a student fall ill during school hours, the student is requested to report to the office. Authorization from administration is required before a student may leave the building. The student again must sign out before leaving. At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students who fail to follow this protocol will face the following consequences: one or more after school detentions and parent notification.


Further offenses: Meeting with the Headmaster or vice-principal resulting in possible suspension and/or community work, or recommendation for expulsion for insubordination.


  • GamblingAny form of gambling is not permitted. Students failing to comply with this regulation may receive one or more detentions and/or suspension and/or community services.

  • Drug and Alcohol Policy

  • The school’s policy on drugs and alcohol is that possession, use, or selling of drugs or drug paraphernalia, and alcohol in the school (on school property or school sanctioned activities) is prohibited. The consequences of any such behavior by students will be severe.

  • At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students may face the following consequences:

  • First offense: the substance, related paraphernalia, or alcohol, etc. will be confiscated. (for appropriate disposal by the Headmaster or vice-principal.) The police may be contacted for assistance. The student may be required to complete a special assignment related to the infraction; and the student may be prohibited from participation in, or attendance at, specific co-curricular activities for a period of time to be determined by the administrator; the student may be suspended from school for a period of up to five days, which may include community service. Parents/legal guardians will be informed of the infraction. The student may be referred to a drug counsellor for assessment needs.

  • Second offense: the substance, related paraphernalia, or alcohol, etc. will be confiscated. The police may be contacted for assistance. The student will be referred to a counsellor or a social worker for a preliminary interview. If further assistance is indicated, the student will be required to attend follow-up sessions, which may include referral to outside agencies. The student may be required to complete a special assignment related to the infraction; the student may be prohibited from participation in, or attendance at, specific-co-curricular activities for a period of time to be determined by the principal or vice-principal; the student may be suspended from school for a period of up to ten days, which may include community service. Parents/legal guardians will be informed of the infraction. The student and parents will be referred to family and drug counselling.

  • Third offense: the substance, related paraphernalia, and alcohol, etc. will be confiscated. The police may be contacted for assistance. The student may be recommended for expulsion. Parents/legal guardians will be informed.

  • NOTE: Drug Trafficking - For any infraction where the use or possession of alcohol or an illicit drug is for the purpose of trafficking/supplying: a) the police shall be called to investigate; b) the student(s) may be expelled.


Taping during Class


  • Audio or video-taping of class activities is strictly forbidden unless specific permission to do so is given beforehand by the teacher concerned. Permission not withstanding, students should note that taping of any copyrighted material (audio, video, or printed) is illegal. This includes using a cell phone recording device.

  • Students violating this guideline, at the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal may receive a warning with one or more Saturday school detentions and parent notification. Students who continue to violate this guideline, at the discretion of the principal or vice-principal may receive possible suspension for insubordination and meeting with parents.




  • Students are not permitted to bring onto school property any form of weapon or potentially dangerous object whatsoever. Guns, BB guns, knives, daggers, firecrackers, matches, lighters, tools (screwdrivers, hammers) which can be used as weapons, etc. are forbidden at all times.

  • Students who fail to comply with this regulation may expect to receive severe punishment. The Headmaster will determine the discipline for such an occurrence.

  • Students found in possession of a firearm or explosive, including a pellet gun, will be recommended for expulsion and the police will be involved. Possession of a replica of a firearm may, at the discretion of the school Headmaster, be subject to the same sanctions.

  • Students who use any weapon, prohibited or non-prohibited, or a replica thereof in an assault, or use any weapon or replica of a weapon in a threatening manner towards another person will be recommended for expulsion and the police will be involved.

  • Students found in possession of a prohibited weapon, other than a firearm or explosive, on the first occasion, will be suspended for 20 school days and the police shall be involved. Expulsion may be recommended.

  • Students found in possession of a non-prohibited weapon, on the first occasion, will be suspended for 15 school days.

  • Students who threaten the use of any weapon, prohibited or non-prohibited, against other persons or with the intent of disrupting school activities will be suspended for 30 school days and the police shall be involved.

  • Students who threaten the use of any weapon, prohibited or non-prohibited, against other persons will be suspended for 60 school days and the police may be involved. Expulsion may be recommended.

  • Students found in possession of any weapon or who threaten the use of any weapon, on the second occasion, will be recommended for expulsion. If the weapon is prohibited the police will be involved. (PBCS).


Public Displays of Affection


  • Students are expected to conduct themselves with complete propriety concerning public displays of affection.

  • A friendly gesture between members of the same or opposite sex is acceptable if it might commonly be tolerated by a parent at home or by a teacher at the start or finish of a class. (e.g. a handshake, or handhold, a brief hug, a quick hello or goodbye kiss on the cheek.)

  • Any gesture, which displays or clearly hints at close physical intimacy, is not acceptable at any time within the school bounds or while engaged in any school-sponsored activity (e.g.: a substantial embrace, a prolonged kiss, using any part of the body to deliberately restrict or prevent someone else’s freedom of movement.)

  • At the Headmaster or vice-principal’s discretion students will receive a warning and parents’ may be notified.

  • Subsequent display of such behavior may result at the Headmaster or vice-principal’s discretion with parent notification and possible suspension for insubordination, and meeting with parents.


Disciplinary Probation


Disciplinary Probation is the school’s clearest warning that a student’s behavior is unacceptable. A student will be placed on disciplinary probation by the principal or vice-principal. While on Disciplinary Probation, a student who accumulates minor infractions or who violates a major school rule will most likely be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion.

Students placed on disciplinary probation are students who have accumulated several school infractions and are in danger of being suspended or students who are returning from a suspension and require guidance and support to maintain good standing.


Suspension Policy

The primary consequence of suspension is the removal of a student from the curricular and co-curricular services of the school for the period of the suspension.


There may be several reasons why suspension of a student may be considered. These include and are not limited to:

A gross violation of the TLAP Sports Academy Student Policies, Rules, and Regulations and/or flagrant disregard for the Student Code of Conduct and its core values.


A chronic pattern of misbehavior judged to have detrimental effect on student life.  A chronic pattern of misbehavior judged to have detrimental effect on student life. The decision to suspend a student is made by the Headmaster and/or the vice-principal.

While under suspension, the student: May not visit the school, school premises, or surrounding area.  May not use school transportation.  May not participate in any school activity or event. Must of his or her own will, acquire assignments from a classmate and keep his or her work up to date.


Damaging of Individual or School Property and Stealing


At the discretion of the Headmaster or vice-principal students will face the following consequences: one or more Saturday schools detentions and parents informed. Parents/guardians will be responsible for reimbursement and/or replacement of stolen/damaged items; depending on the severity, a meeting with the vice-principal and the student’s parents.

In addition, a conference with the vice-principal and the student’s parents as well as possible suspension with community work, or recommendation for expulsion.


Selling of food or any other goods in the school:


The unauthorized selling of food or drinks or other goods by students in the school is prohibited at all times and will face consequences accordingly.


First offense: warning with an after school detention. Subsequent offense: disciplinary report sent to parents, with possible suspension for insubordination, and meeting with parents.


Emergency Procedures


During fire drills and other evacuation emergencies, everyone in the school must leave the building as quickly as possible without resorting to running; responding as quickly as possible to instructions given by the teacher, and observing the “no talking” rule in force during the evacuation of the building. Students are to remain with their class and teacher at all times. Tampering with fire extinguishers will result in a fine being levied and severe disciplinary sanctions.During lock-down procedures, everyone in the school must follow the teacher or first res-ponders instructions, close and lock the classroom/office door and wait for further instructions.


  • Code RED: Lockdown: Close and lock doors and windows, don’t leave the room and gather everyone on the floor – out of sight line of intruder(s).

  • Code YELLOW  Be prepared for an evacuation - Wait for more information.       

  • Code GREEN:      Everyone report to back lot.      

  • Code BLUE        Open the windows and wait for more information


For the safety and security of all students and personnel of TLAP Sports Academy , students must keep their outerwear and school bags (or the like) in classroom at all times. Students are not permitted to wander the halls and classrooms with overcoats and bags. Students who refuse to respect the safety and security of our community will be considered insubordinate and will be sanctioned consequences.


Community Work

TLAP Sports Academy we believe that community service is one of the cornerstones of learning. We can learn a lot about human relations and about ourselves. For this reason, community work may be linked with suspensions. Students who need time to reflect and gain a better understanding of their responsibilities at school and within the community they live in will benefit from this experience. The expected time commitments are intentionally low and students who feel that they wish to volunteer more time are encouraged to do so. The number of community work will help reduce the number of suspension days. This is at the discretion of the principal and/or vice-principal.


Student Interrogation


“The Youth Criminal Justice Act only requires that students be informed of their rights in light of possible disciplinary action which could lead to criminal charges. Thus, school officials are free to question students in the course of investigating an incident of misconduct and for the purpose of imposing internal sanctions. Student Personal Search and Search of Belongings “School authorities and teachers may proceed with the search of a student. Thus, they may search a student and seize prohibited items, drugs, or any instrument which may be used as a weapon. In an educational institution, students cannot expect a complete protection of their right to privacy. Teachers and school authorities have the obligation to provide a safe environment and to maintain order and discipline. This may necessitate the search of students and their personal belongings”.

© 2015 TLAP Sports Academy |

7346 South US1 Federal Highway, FL 34952
N.A.C.P.S Accredited | Phone: (772) 494-7514 |School Code: 7629 


TLAP Sports Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities
generally afforded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and financial aid programs, and athletics and other school administered programs.

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