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TLAP Sports Academy – Pure Shot believes in high academic and pro level athletic standards. The dress code should help to minimize distractions from schoolwork. It is an aim of the dress code that students would not feel undue pressure to dress a certain way in order to be accepted by their peers. The dress code gives the academy a sense of identity and thereby promotes academy pride as well as personal pride. Dressing appropriately for specific occasions is a life-long lesson to be instilled in our students. All clothing should be modest, clean, of proper fit, and in good repair.


It is the student and parents’ responsibility to insure proper attire before arrival at academy.


Polos: Only the required short sleeve polo with TLAP Sports Academy – Pure Shot insignia may be worn. Students may choose from the following colors: shades of lime green, white, black and girls pink. If a student chooses to wear a t-shirt under the academy polo, it must be a solid color and may only be visible at the neckline. Polos must stay tucked in at all times during the academy day. No long-sleeved shirt can be worn under the polo shirt.


Shorts: Students who choose to wear shorts must wear plain basketball black or white shorts. Shorts must touch the top of the knee and may not exceed the bottom of the knee in length. Shorts should fit appropriately for academy and may not be denim or a jeans style. It is appropriate for shorts to be worn year round.


Shoes: Basketball shoes must be worn. Shoes must be safe and practical for wearing during the academy day Jordan’s basketball shoes will be available for purchase at a discounted price through the academy.


Contact TLAP Sports Academy Headmaster for more details at:


Sandals or flip flops may not be worn or allowed.


Socks: Socks that are worn should be a matching pair of solid color.

Tattoos: No visible tattoos are allowed


Other Items:

Hats are not to be worn in the building. Coats or jackets (other than approved jackets above)may not be worn in the building during the day.


Hair must be neatly trimmed and clean. No hair colors or hairstyles that draw undue attention are allowed, such as a Mohawk or extraordinary color.Modest jewelry with no inappropriate symbols is allowed. Only ears may be pierced.


No other body piercings are allowed (tongue, eyebrow, nose, etc). 


Make-up must be appropriate for the educational setting.No scarves may be worn.The appropriateness of clothing, hairstyles and accessory items is always subject to the approval of the Administration.


At any academy function, including special dress-up days with very specific guidelines, students should dress neatly and modestly. Advertising which is vulgar or associated with drugs or alcohol is not allowed.


DRESS UNIFORM: TLAP Sports Academy dress uniform is for all students. This uniform is in addition to the everyday uniform. Students are required to wear the dress uniform on days designated by the administration, such as Mass days. The dress uniform is mandatory for all students.

© 2015 TLAP Sports Academy - Pure Shot |  3359 Belvedere Rd Ste P  West Palm Beach FL 33406

FCCPSA Accredited | Phone: (877) 770-3874 x 109  Fax: (877) 770 -3874| School Code: 7629 

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